

Why use Webstorm for React Projects

Webstorm is 'The smartest JavaScript IDE'. With the massive amount of JavaScript tools and libraries, a simpletext editor no longer makes the cut for web developers working in the industry. It's come to be expected that our text editorhas syntax highlighting for emerging technologies like JSX or GraphQL. Not having immediate access to autocompletionfor all of the imported API libraries would make development much slower, as we'd have to always look up method names.

WebStorm 2021.1: Smarter Code Completion for JavaScript and TypeScript, HTML Preview, and More (blog.jetbrains.com) Apr 6, 2021. WebStorm 2021.1 Release Candidate Is. WebStorm & PhpStorm are IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) built on top of JetBrains IntelliJ platform and narrowed for web development. Which IDE do I need? PhpStorm is designed to cover all needs of PHP developer including full JavaScript, CSS and HTML support. Upek driver download.

Webstorm assists in managing tools that would otherwise be run manually by scripts, like linting and testing. Ratherthan running a script and typing out the path to the file, Webstorm can automatically run linters (JavaScript error checkers)and style formatters like Prettier all the time, so as you write code, you can observe whether your current file iserror free. Prettier can reformat your code to look better after every save, so you spend less time indenting and havemore consistent-looking code.


None of these features are mandatory, but all of them combined in one package deliver a powerful swiss-army knife forengineers. Webstorm even comes with its own Terminal, eliminating the need for a separate terminal application,synchronizing terminal tabs with specific projects.

  1. Looking for honest WebStorm reviews? Learn more about its pricing details and check what experts think about its features and integrations. Read user reviews from verified customers who actually used the software and shared their experience on its pros and cons.
  2. Webstorm is 'The smartest JavaScript IDE'. With the massive amount of JavaScript tools and libraries, a simple text editor no longer makes the cut for web developers working in the industry. It's come to be expected that our text editor has syntax highlighting for emerging technologies like JSX or GraphQL.
  3. Using Prettier in WebStorm. Use the Reformat with Prettier action (Opt-Shift-Cmd-P on macOS or Alt-Shift-Ctrl-P on Windows and Linux) to format the selected code, a file, or a whole directory. To run Prettier on save in WebStorm 2020.1 or above, open Preferences Languages & Frameworks JavaScript Prettier and enable the option Run on save for files.

Webstorm 2020 Activation Code

To create a react app with Webstorm:

  1. File -> New -> Project


  1. Choose React App from the left column.

  2. Choose a directory name for your project by filling out the Location field.

  3. Select npx create-react-app from the dropdown in the create-react-app field.

  1. Wait for it to install, and observe the commands.

  2. Click on the terminal tab, and type yarn start into the terminal.

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  1. The terminal will let you know you've compiled the app successfully and the browser should open. Congrats, you've justinstalled and ran a React app!