
I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser and occasionally I’ve found that certainresources (typically JavaScript or CSS files) may fail to load because of anerror NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED, which is displayed in the console. For me,this is rarely seen, though I’ve experienced the issue a few times onTrello.com and another on our corporate website CMS. This has the effect ofpreventing whatever that resource was from loading, so in the case of CSS itwon’t display and in the case of JS it won’t run. On Trello, this resulted ina fully broken page — nothing displayed except the header because the wholething is a JS app, and on our CMS, the left-hand navigation was broken becausethat depends on JS too.

Nserrorfilecorrupted The specified file is not a recognizable Zip file. Other errors may be thrown upon failing to open the file, such as if the file is corrupt or in an unsupported format.

  • 'File error: Corrupted' nsresult: '0x8052000b (NSERRORFILECORRUPTED)' location: 'JS frame:: debugger eval code:::: line 1' data: no In this case, re-running the commands again worked and resolved the issue.
  • For bugs in Firefox Desktop, the Mozilla Foundation's web browser. For Firefox user interface issues in menus, bookmarks, location bar, and preferences.
  • Handle NSERRORFILECORRUPTED with localStorage Aug 10, 2015 shane-tomlinson added this to the FxA-0: quality milestone Sep 7, 2015 vladikoff added the good-first-bug label Dec 22, 2015.

To solve this issue, at least for these sites, I opened my console and did the following:

and reloaded the page. Clearing my cache, my browser’s local storage orrestarting the browser was not enough — I expect because the localstorage for these specific sites had become corrupted at some point.Occasionally, running the two commands above actually produces anexception with NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED in the console output:

In this case, re-running the commands again worked and resolved the issue.

Over time I’ve switched between stable to Developer Edition and eventually toNightly, and I also actively use tools to block cross-domain resources,trackers and so forth. I haven’t looked into the specifics because the issueis so sporadic and now easily solved, but I may if the issues persist.

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Ns_error_file_corrupted Firefox

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Name Ns_error_file_corrupted

- We encrypted our database with common System.Data.SQLite method -
public void ChangePassword(string newPassword) -
in SQLiteConnection .NET class.
- No, there were no changes in the system.
- We tried SQLite shell tool. Does it open an encrypted database? Honestly, we found no info about it. Anyway, it seems like '.open' command (with no password settings) works correctly, but any query returns 'file is encrypted or is not a database' error.
- And we tried to open this DB on different computers. Bad luck.
- One more attempt in SQLiteManager - a Firefox plugin:
'Error in opening file data - either the file is encrypted or corrupt
Exception Message: Component returned failure code: 0x8052000b (NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED) [mozIStorageService.openUnsharedDatabase]'
Пятница, 7 февраля 2014, 15:35 UTC от Simon Slavin <[hidden email]>:
On 7 Feb 2014, at 10:49am, Iksanov Husain <[hidden email]> wrote:
> We have an encrypted SQLite database with a password which is set programmatically in .NET interface.
Can you tell us which encryption system you used to encrypt your database ?
Did you change anything in the last day or two: updated operating system, or new DLL ?
If you put a copy of the SQLite shell tool on that computer, will it open the file ?
If you move the database to a different computer can you open it ?
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